Michael Alexander McDonald
Notification from the London and Souther Counties Branch:
It is with great sadness that I have to report that Mike McDonald died last week after a long illness. Mike served his national service with the Battalion after which he had a career with British Airways. Mike was a very loyal and enthusiastic Borderer and a great supporter of the London Branch for many years attending events whenever he could. He also joined several Regimental battlefield tours organised in the last ten years tackling his mobility issues with great courage and determination.
Messages of sympathy and support have been passed to his wife Ruth and the family. His funeral will be for family only.
236026184 Cadet Michael Alexander MCDONALD
(463054) to be 2nd Lt., 7th Nov. 1959.
2nd Lt., M.A. McDonald Relinquished his Commission 1st February 1961.
After Commissioning Mike served at the Depot, Berwick as a Pl Commander in the training Company before being posted to A Coy, 1st Bn in Berlin.