1 SCOTS Service of Remembrance – Dreghorn Barracks 11 Nov 17
The forthcoming annual 1 SCOTS Service of Remembrance will be held at Dreghorn Barracks, Edinburgh on Saturday 11th November 2017 commencing at 11 am.
Those wishing to attend are requested to arrive at the front gate of Dreghorn Barracks by no later than 10.30 am where they will be met and directed by a member of the 1 SCOTS Act of Remembrance Party. Attendees will congregate in the 3 RIFLES Battalion Conference Room until shortly before 11 am where they will then be escorted to the 1 SCOTS memorial to commence the service. Tea and coffee will be provided before the service, additionally, tea, coffee and sandwiches will be served in the Battalion Conference Room at the cessation of the service.
Civilians and Association members are respectfully requested to wear Regimental ties and are invited to wear full size medals and Regimental headdress.
Those wishing to attend this service are requested to contact the KOSB Association Secretary by no later than 4 pm on Tuesday 7th November 2017 in order to provide a consolidated list to the Adjutant 1 SCOTS.
“Always a Borderer”