ARMY UPDATE BRIEFING – WED 22 NOV 17 – Posted by Maj Eugene Maxwell HQ 51 Bde
Following on from the very successful Retired Senior Officer Brief we ran earlier this year I have been asked to organise a number of similar events aimed at an audience of those who left the Army in the ranks Warrant Officer to Major. The first briefing in the series will be held in Edinburgh on 22 Nov 17. I would appreciate your assistance in reaching as many people as possible. Places are limited so can I ask that individuals contact me asap to confirm attendance.
BLUF: An Update Briefing will be delivered for former serving Offrs and WO by DComd 51 Infantry Brigade and HQ Scotland, Col Charlie Wallace, to keep them informed about current service matters and enable them to support us effectively when engaging with the wider society.
Subject: The Army in Scotland.
Who: Retired WO and Offrs who live in Scotland.
When: Wednesday 22 Nov 17 between 19.00-21.00 (Light refreshments will be served.)
Where: Royal Scots Club, 30 Abercrombie Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6QE
Why: The value of having a well-informed cohort of former serving personnel in positions of influence across society able to speak knowledgeably about service related issues is self-evident. The DComd is keen to brief retired Warrant Officers and Officers’ now embedded in our communities so that they are better informed and in a position to support our message to wider society.
Request: The attendance list will close on 30th Oct 17 or when all the available places have been taken, whichever is the sooner. Those wishing to attend this briefing should contact Major Eugene Maxwell at