Berwick Branch Annual Dinner
The King’s Own Scottish Borderers Association
Berwick Branch
Chairman: Major Ken Fraser
01361 883256
The Berwick Branch Annual Dinner will be held on Friday 16th March 2018 at the Marshall Meadows Country House Hotel, Berwick upon Tweed, 7pm for 7.30pm. The dinner is open to all members of The King’s Own Scottish Borderers Association, their wives, families and friends. The cost of the three course dinner will be £25.00 per person which also includes great entertainment during the evening. Accommodation is available at the Hotel and this can be booked on the following telephone number: 01289 331133
Double Room £80.00 (incl. Breakfast). Single Room £70.00 (incl. Breakfast)
Additional accommodation is also available at the Travel Lodge situated on North Road, Berwick upon Tweed. Telephone number: 0871 984 6279
Borderers wishing to attend should contact Ken Fraser by telephone to 01361 883256 or by email to no later than 9th March 2018.