Frank Whitehouse – Funeral Arrangements
Frank Whitehouse’s funeral will take place on Friday 15 September at 12 noon at Marylebone Crematorium (E End Rd, East Finchley, London N2 0RZ). The family has requested no flowers.
Frank was a great supporter of the London and Southern Counties Branch and marched with Borderers at the Cenotaph for many years, including 2016. One of the last Borderer veterans of the Second World War, he died aged 91/92 as the result of a heart attack ten days ago.
Sadly Ian Gibbs, secretary of the London and Southern Counties Branch will be away and therefore unable to attend. If anyone can go, and it would obviously be great to have the Regiment well represented, please can you let Ian know at so he can advise the family.
“Always a Borderer”