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Fred Tattersall – Obituary

18 October 2016
collar-badgeSir, It with sadness that I have to inform you that Fred Tattersall KOSB died at Blackpool Blesma Home. Fred Tattersall Joined the Territorials as a boy in 1935 and joined the KOSB, which were based at Berwick-on-Tweed, in 1937. He was a professional soldier. He was amongst the first into France in 1939 at the outbreak of war. He was evacuated from Dunkirk. On D Day he landed with his Regiment at Sword Beach with the 3rd British Division. He was one on the final casualties when, after the last battle of this campaign, he stood on a land mine. The detonator had not been removed and his leg blown off. After leaving hospital he enrolled on a business course at Manchester University and eventually found himself working for the British Limbless Ex Servicemen’s Association (Blesma) He was appointed national welfare officer and retired in 1980. For many years, he organised Normandy pilgrimages for KOSB and NVA veterans. In 2004, he organised to built a “Goodwood” Memorial at Sannerville in memory of the 3rd British Division. Fred’s funeral will be on Thursday 20th October, 10 am at St Illtyd’s RC Church, Maes Onnen, Rhuddlan LL18 2YL His ashes will be coming to Normandy to be buried in the 3rd British Division Memorial. If a party of the KOSB Association could assist to the funeral it will be wonderful. With best regards Yves Le Cuziat MBE Chairman of the association “Sannerville 1944” (MBE in 1996 for services to veterans)
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