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15 April 2019

Dear Borderers

I’m an ex-Brigade of Gurkhas officer and following a battlefield tour to Imphal-Kohima (where my unit won a VC) earlier this year –– I have organized and sponsored a nationwide tour of a WW2 Burma theatre specialist – Tim Bean (also a Sandhurst senior lecturer in War Studies) to give a lecture about these iconic battles in the Far East campaign, given that it’s the 75th anniversary this year.

The talks are purely to promote what has been voted as Britain’s Greatest Land Battle to a wider audience. As the 2nd British Division’s War Memorial at Kohima says

“When you go home tell them of us and say for your tomorrow we gave our today”

The battles involved a number of Scottish units – most prominently The Queen’s Cameron Highlanders, the Gordon Highlanders (in an artillery role) and a unit that merged to form the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, the 3rd Carabiniers, who participated in a famous tank battle at Nunshigum.

We are very happily visiting Scotland on the 24th and 25th April 2019 and giving the lecture at Finlaystone House, Langbank near Glasgow and also at The Highlanders Museum, Fort George, Inverness.

The lectures are not-for-profit and will raise funds for The Gurkha Museum Trust and The Highlanders Museum respectively.

I wanted to ask kindly if it would be possible for you to promote the talks through your various channels?

I have attached the links to tickets below:

Finlaystone House, Glasgow  – 24 April 19 –

The Highlanders Museum, Inverness – 25th April 19 –

Kind regards

Garfield Smith

Ex 7GR

Tel 07770 357564

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