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4 November 2020

Borderers, as most of you will be aware this years Remembrance services across the Country have been cancelled due the C19 pandemic. As a result Borderers are encouraged to mark the 2 minutes silence at 1100 by parading on their doorsteps and remember those Borderers who fell.

There are some reduced services taking place under local authority control around the Country, if any Borderers’ are attending please follow the local rules.

A wreath will be laid on our behalf at the Scottish National War Memorial in Edinburgh Castle on Remembrance Sunday.

A wreath will be laid at the Berwick Upon Tweed War memorial at 0950 on Remembrance Sunday by invite from Berwick Town Council.

A wreath will be laid the Barrack gates at RHQ at 1100, the gates are the Regiments’ War Memorial erected by Borderers with the original brass plaques displayed in the Museum Chapel.

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