Borderers, please click on links for welfare items of interest.
The Armed Forces Covenant annual report 2020 has been published and can be found here
The Forces in Mind Trust has awarded £500,000 to the ADVANCE Study Charity (The Armed Service Trauma Rehabilitation Outcome Study) to explore military to civilian transition experiences of combat veterans. The ADVANCE Study is a collaboration between the Academic Department of Military Rehabilitation (ADMR, Stanford Hall), Imperial College, London and King’s College, London. It is the first comprehensive long-term cohort study to investigate the physical and psycho-social outcomes of battlefield casualties. Previous research into the long-term outcomes of Vietnam or World War II veterans have been inconclusive or focused on narrow criteria, resulting in the need for a methodologically robust cohort study. As such, the study is focused on those deployed in Afghanistan with the UK Armed Forces between 2002 and 2014, and will take place over a 20-year period. More information can be found here.
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