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Warrant Officer Ian Winstone KOSB and 22 SAS – Funeral Arrangements

15 March 2018


Funeral arrangements for the late Ian (Winnie) Winstone:

Wednesday 28th March. 1130 for 1200hrs funeral service at St Martins Church, Ross Road, Hereford HR2 7RJ, then internment at Hereford Cemetery, Westfaling Street HR40JF. Following the internment there will be a farewell gathering in The Left Bank, Bridge Street HR4 DG to which all are invited.

Ian’s family have requested that Borderers attending wear Glengarry.

To assist with seating and catering Borderers planning to attend are requested to inform giving numbers in their party.

For those who did not know of Ian (Winnie) Winstone. Winnie was a KOSB boy entrant at IJLB Oswestry in circa 1966, joining the First Battalion in Osnabruck where he became a Cpl in the Recce Pl. In 1971 he passed SAS selection and subsequently served with 22 SAS for the remainder of his military service with appointments including SSM of G Sqn. Knowing he was dying from cancer he planned his funeral to include a KOSB piper and requested the KOSB regimental flag be placed on his coffin along with that of 22 SAS. Ian was always a Borderer.

                                                                              ‘Always a Borderer’

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