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25 August 2021


Many of you will be aware of the ongoing partnership to redevelop the Barracks. Our museum will be an integral part of this vision. Our aim is to preserve the history and traditions of the Regiment for future generations. Developing our current site as part of the wider plan alongside our partners is key to making this happen.

Recently there have been press releases informing the people of Berwick and an open day at the Barracks for local people to make comment (both att below).

As Borderers we all have a stake in the future of our museum and Association HQ. Our President and Trustees are working with the other partners to ensure a favourable outcome for the KOSB Association and Museum. Comments and suggestions are welcome about the vision and should be sent to the EXO at

Living Barracks Press Release Embargoed until 9 Aug 2021

Living Barracks KOSB audience vision



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