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2 March 2023


as previously notified the family of the late WO2 Dan Laidlaw will be holding a memorial service, please see the details below from his surviving family:

On the 14 April at 1200hrs a Memorial Service will be held in the Cannongate Kirk, Cannongate, Royal Mile, Edinburgh, EH8 8BN. (THE SCOTS KIRK) 

Dress Code:  The family think that everyone should wear whatever they think is right. They don’t want too sombre a day but Dan’s family know that the Borderers will want to show their respect in an appropriate manner.  Wearing of the Borderers tie and medals would be lovely to see if that’s what you want to wear on the day.

Dan recently passed at the age of 57, on 31 Jan 23 whilst residing in New Zealand. This has come as a real shock to all who knew Dan. He is survived by his two daughters Hannah and Abigail. 

Those who know, Dan was a true KOSB Warrior who went on to serve in the UKSF. During his time in 1KOSB he stood out from the crowd,  he was fit and strong. As a Cpl he represented the Battalion in the TV Series Combat 89, he was a talent.  His nature was of a kind and empathetic way towards all ranks but could be fierce at the right time. Dan treated everyone with respect and gained the respect back from all ranks.  He was well liked and loved during his time in service and is absolutely missed by his adoring family. He was the genuine article. Dan served from 1984 to 2001 in 1KOSB, RMAS & 22 SAS. 

You are invited to attend Dan’s memorial service, so please if you have the time and space and are close enough, it would really nice to see you attend on the day. 


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